December 2022.- Within the framework of the School Research and Innovation Project “Protagonistas de la Ciencia 2022” of Explora Región Metropolitana Sur Poniente, seven students and a teacher from the Complejo Educacional Maipú visited the offices of the Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data, to share their learning and get to know the space in which researchers work in data science.
On the occasion, the students presented their innovative project, consisting of an app to monitor the emotional state of the educational community of their establishment. “This was a project that started in the pandemic,” explained Carlos Núñez, a professor who leads the project group. “There was much talk about how bad screens are, but we were interested in looking for a positive side and getting something good out of this situation,” said Alejandra Acosta, a 2nd grade A student who participated in the project: Use of technological tools and networks and its link with educational and socio-emotional needs of students from 5th grade to 4th grade.
Cinthia Sánchez, a student at the Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data and a PhD student at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chile, has been advising the group on their scientific research since the second semester of this year, and on the visit, she presented them with two investigations of his work with data. “It has been very entertaining working with this group, they have been working on the project since 2020. Doing this follow-up has allowed me to see how they are learning to formulate a scientific project and the objective is also very interesting, because what they want to achieve is an important contribution to their community”, she highlighted.
Master’s students from the institute and part of the Innovation team were able to share their appreciations with the students, creating a dynamic that allowed them to learn and share knowledge. Finally, all those present participated in the first Data Workshop without a Computer, an initiative of the IMFD that seeks to make those who participate discover the infinity of data that surrounds us, how they can be identified, systematized, made known, and in this way, motivate a thought that has them as a base.