26/05/2023 Launch Plataforma Vincula


Vincula, a social network or app that aims to connect individuals with similar interests, is an intelligently developed platform utilizing data intelligence. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the connection between parliamentarians and university experts with the objective of contributing knowledge to the legislative task.

Supported by the Institute for Sustainable Development UC, the platform already boasts members from 12 Chilean universities and approximately 400 academics who will engage in knowledge exchange with Congress during the law formation process.


The event will feature a presentation by Professor David Phipps, Director of Research Impact Canada and Assistant VRP Research Strategy & Impact at York University, under the theme “Global Perspectives on Research Impact.”

Following the presentation, there will be a panel discussion on proposals for Chile: “What institutions and policies do we need to mobilize knowledge and achieve its impact on society?” The panel will include Mrs. Aysén Etcheberry, Minister of Science, Technology, Knowledge, and Innovation; Professor Pedro Bouchon, Vice President for Research at UC and current President of the Research Council of CRUCH; and Congressman Eric Aedo, President of the Future, Science, Technology, Knowledge, and Innovation Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.


The launch of Vincula, a platform for connecting universities and the National Congress, will take place on May 26th at Casa Central de la Universidad Católica, located at Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 340, at 12:00 PM.


Online Streaming: https://t.co/M8mN8GwOZ1