Bárbara Poblete, associate researcher of our institute and academic of the Department of Computer Science (DCC), of the University of Chile, was one of the organizers of LA-WEB 2019: 10th Latin-American Web Congress, an event that was part of The Web Conference (WWW) that took place this week in San Francisco, United States.
The Web Conference is the most important conference worldwide in web research.
LA-WEB 2019 was held on May 14 and had the IMDF as a co-organizer, along with the Chilean Society of Computer Science (SCCC), Nic Chile, Nic Brasil, and CGI Brasil.
The goal of the event was to bring together the Latin American community that is working on web topics. If you want to know more about this congress, please, check this link: bit.ly/2LPekwB
But the LA-WEB was not the only event that the IMFD researchers participated in. In the WWW, our scientists from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile presented their work on recommendation systems and also their research how people share visually their perception of cultural and artistic events on social platforms such as Instagram.
Denis Parra, Manuela Garretón and Germán Cheuque were in charge of these presentations. In addition, Germán Cheuque did a presentation about bitcoin price prediction, a work he carried out during 2018 and 2019 with Juan Reutter, associate researcher of the IMFD.