01/06/2023 Online IMFD Book Club


We invite you to the first edition of the Book Club. On this occasion, we will discuss the book “Feminismo en Datos” (Data Feminism) by authors Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein, recently translated into Spanish by DataGénero. The event will be moderated by Jocelyn Dunstan, DCC UC and IMC UC academic, along with Daniela Moyano, from Diseño UC and co-founder of ODEGI. It is open to the entire society. Participants will receive a link to the book and the Zoom meeting on the same day.

Each session will cover three chapters of the book.


Online, via Zoom, which will be sent to registered individuals at: https://bit.ly/club-de-lectura-1

FIRST SESSION: Thursday, June 01, 2023

SECOND SESSION: Thursday, June 29, 2023

THIRD SESSION: Thursday, July 27, 2023