Investigadores del IMFD publican artículo en Toplas, principal revista sobre lenguajes de programación May, 2023.- A new language and type system called Jazz, presented by researchers from the Department of […]
Month: May 2023
IMFD students present papers at COLT
IMFD students present papers at COLT May 2023.- “Find a witness or shatter: the landscape of computable PAC learning” is the title of the work of the IMFD researchers and […]
26/05/2023 Launch Plataforma Vincula
26/05/2023 Launch Plataforma Vincula ABSTRACT Vincula, a social network or app that aims to connect individuals with similar interests, is an intelligently developed platform utilizing data intelligence. Its primary purpose […]
24/05/2023 “Media and Communication in Global Latinidades” ICA preconference
Communication and Human Rights Meeting: Communicate from responsibility and respect
Communication and Human Rights Meeting: Communicate from responsibility and respect May, 2023.- Society is currently facing political and cultural scenarios that are changing rapidly, causing the reading of reality to […]
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22/05/2023 15th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management
IMFD researchers participate in the 3rd meeting of Fundamentals of Programming Languages in Argentina
Investigadores IMFD participan en el 3er encuentro de Fundamentos de Lenguajes de Programación en Argentina May 2023.- The study of programming languages is a fundamental job for data science today. […]
17/07/2023 Summer Institute in Computational Social Science
17/07/2023 Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science ABSTRACT From July 17 to July 27, 2023, the Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD), the National Center For Artificial Intelligence (CENIA), the […]
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Tomasz Steifer.
Institute for Mathematical and Computational Engineering
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile […]
Hérnan Sarmiento.
Department of Computer Science,
University of Chile […]