17/07/2023 Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science


From July 17 to July 27, 2023, the Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD), the National Center For Artificial Intelligence (CENIA), the Computer Science Department of the University of Chile, and the Institute of Sociology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (ISUC) will sponsor the Summer Institute in Computational Social Science, to be held at the Pontificia Universidad Católica, Campus San Joaquín. The Summer Institute aims to bring together graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and beginning faculty interested in computational social science. The Summer Institute is for both social scientists and data scientists (broadly conceived).

The instructional program will involve lectures, tutorials, exercises, and participant-led research projects. There will also be outside speakers who conduct computational social science research in a variety of settings, such as academia, industry, and government. Topics covered include:

  • Ethics
  • Digital data collection
  • Machine learning
  • Text as data
  • Image as data
  • Surveys in the digital age
  • Network science
  • Visualization tools

There will be ample opportunities for students to discuss their ideas and research with the organizers, other participants, and visiting speakers. Because we are committed to open and reproducible research, all materials created by faculty and students for the Summer Institute will be released as open-source.

Participation targets people interested in research, ideally graduate students (master and doctoral programs), postdoctoral researchers, and untenured faculty within seven years of their Ph.D. That said, we intend to accept applications from undergraduate students concluding their degrees, pursuing a postgraduate program in a related field, or having proven research experience. In addition, we welcome applicants from all backgrounds and fields of study, especially applicants from groups currently under-represented in computational social science. About 20 participants will be invited, and participants are expected to attend and fully participate in the two-week program.


  • Hernán Sarmiento: postdoctoral researcher at Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD). He is finishing his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chile.
  • Juan Reutter: associate professor at the Department of Computer Science and the institute for Mathematical Engineering and Computing of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and is the deputy director of the Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD).
  • Felipe Bravo-Márquez: Assistant Professor with the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chile, Associate Researcher at the National Center for Artificial Intelligence Research (CENIA) , and Young Researcher at Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD).
  • Juan Pablo Luna: Associate Researcher at VioDemos. Full Professor at the School of Government, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Participates in the Millennium Institute Foundational Research of Data.
  • Jorge Ortiz: DCC UChile, IMFD, Awto.
  • Gabriel Iturra: DCC UChile, IMFD.
  • Cinthia Sánchez: PhD Candidate in Computing at the Computer Science Department (DCC) of the University of Chile, IMFD. 

More information: https://sicss.io/2023/chile/