24/05/2023 “Media and Communication in Global Latinidades” ICA preconference


This preconference aims to examine the production, distribution, and consumption of media and communication in global Latinidades. It follows up to the four preconferences held in the context of the 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 Annual Meetings of the International Communication Association – on Digital Journalism in Latin America in 2019, on Digital Media in Latin America in 2020, on Digital Media in Latinx and Latin America in 2021, and on Media & Communication in Global Latinidades in 2022.

In this fifth edition, we continue to center on media and communication practices of the Latinx and Latin American experience globally. Despite its long history, research about Latinx and Latin American topics — largely made by Latinx and Latin American researchers worldwide — tends to be underrepresented in communication scholarship in general, and in ICA in particular. In this sense, the preconference will address the theme of media and communication in local, global and/or transnational Latinx and Latin American experiences, such as those related to issues of access, practices, representations, markets, technologies and more.


Time Block 1 (10:15 – 11:40 AM ET)
Panel 1: Popular Representations and Contestations in Global Latinidades

Maria Magdalena Walker (Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile). Espejito, Espejito: ¿Quién Soy en los Matinales Televisivos Chilenos? 

Panel 3: What is Possible? Women, Representation, and Agency in the Americas

Catalina Farías (Northwestern University, USA) Fernanda Carvajal (Universidad Diego Portales, Chile), Camila Henzi (Instituto Milenio Fundamentos de los Datos, Chile), Jiyoun Suk (University of Connecticut, USA), Dhavan V. Shah (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Teresa Correa (Universidad Diego Portales, Chile). ¡Ella se lo buscaba! [She was asking for it!]: A comparative analysis of antifeminist discourses on social media and news media across Spain and Latin America in the era of #MeToo

Time Block 4 (2:25 PM – 3:50 PM ET)
Panel 7: Technology, Disinformation, and the Future

Magdalena Saldaña (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile), Cristian Cabalin (Universidad de Chile), Sebastián Rivera (Universidad de California, Irvine, USA), Daniela Lazcano (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile). Is news literacy really the key? Analyzing people’s exposure to and credibility of false content.


Online, May 24th, 2023, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM (Santiago, Chile)

Register: bit.ly/latampreconf


Full program: https://latinxlatammedia.com/2023/05/01/2023-virtual-preconference-media-and-communication-in-global-latinidades/

You can learn more about this and past preconferences at https://latinxlatammedia.com

If you have any other questions or concerns, please send an email to: icapreconflatam@gmail.com