An expert group was created in 2018 by the OECD Global Science Forum with the goal of profiling the skills required in the era of Open Science. Marcelo Arenas, director of the Millennium Institute Foundational Research on Data and professor at the Department of Computer Science of the Universidad Católica de Chile, was invited to be part of this expert group (EG). Arenas will participate in a meeting that will take place on February 1st, 2019.
The expert group on Data Skills for Science aims to develop a reference frame to assess the digital skills required in the era of open science, with the largest goal of proposing sets of policies for a variety of scenarios. Two are the main topics the group will analyze: what are the skills required by the different scientific disciplines and how can political organizations and institutions help to reduce the gap between the digital needs in the field of science and the reality it faces today as a whole.
“We are now in a moment where, at a global level, people specialized in the science of data is more and more required. Data scientists are going to be essential for government management, for the study of complex social phenomena and, of course, in science”, Arenas states.
The invitation to be part of the group shows Chile can play a relevant role both in the assessment of the current digital needs and in the training of data scientists, Marcelo Arenas concludes.