IMFD Book Club: The power of data

The initiative is part of the activities of the IMFD Gender Commission in alliance with the Observatory of Gender Data and Statistics (ODEGI).

June, 2023.- The impact of data on power dynamics when viewed through feminism and intersectionality: this was the main theme of the first session of the Book Club of the Millennium Institute Foundational Research on Data and Observatory of Gender Data and Statistics (ODEGI).

The meeting, which had a wide participation, was moderated by the IMFD researcher, Jocelyn Dunstan Escudero, who is also an academic at DCC UC in a joint position with IMC UC, along with Daniela Moyano, co-founder of ODEGI.

On this occasion, the book Data Feminism, by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein, was discussed. It was recently translated into Spanish by the Data Observatory with a Gender Perspective, DataGenero (Argentina).

The Club in its online version registered more than 25 attendees, from different disciplines and occupation fields, not only data science or computing. The first three chapters of the text were discussed, various opinions were exchanged, both about the book and about situations that are experienced in the daily life of women who belong to a world that to this day has a greater male presence.

The Book Club is part of the different initiatives carried out by the Millennium Institute Foundational Research on Data Gender Commission to actively promote the inclusion of women and diversity in the area of computer science. Those who are interested in being part of this group can register at: