Leopoldo Bertossi is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, “Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez” (UAI, Santiago, Chile), where he is the Director of the Graduate Program in Data Science. He is also on the Executive Board of the “Data Observatory Foundation” (Chile), of which the UAI is a founding partner. He is a Bachelor, Master and PhD in Mathematics by the “PontificiaUniversidad Catolica de Chile” (PUC).
His research interests are related to Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in general. His research has been concentrated in the areas of computational logic, knowledge representation, data management, and machine learning.
His is an Emeritus Professor of the School of Computer Science at Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada), a Senior Computer Scientist at RelationalAI Inc., and a Senior Researcher at the “Millenium Institute on Foundations of Data” (IMFD, Chile).
He has been professor at the Faculties of Mathematics and Engineering at the PUC (until 2001), visiting professor at the University of Toronto and the University Wisconsin-Milwaukee; and also e invited researcher at the Technical University of Vienna, Technical University of Berlín, University of Marseille-Luminy, University of Calabria, and University of Bolzano-Bozen.
Furthermore, he has been the President of the “Chilean Computer Science Society” (SCCC).
Leopoldo Bertossi’s web page: http://people.scs.carleton.ca/~bertossi/