Paper coescrito por Tomasz Steifer es aceptado en importante conferencia de inteligencia artificial August 2023.- Since 1974, experts in data science, machine learning, and natural language processing, among other areas, […]
Category: News
SICSS Chile 2023: Collaboration between Social Sciences and Computer Science
SICSS Chile 2023: Colaboración entre ciencias sociales y ciencia de la computación August 2023.- Gaining knowledge of additional tools used in a specific research area and combining resources to advance […]
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“We want humans to be in charge”: Responsible Artificial Intelligence
“Queremos que los humanos estemos a cargo”: Inteligencia Artificial Responsable August 2023.- “We want humans to be in charge,” says Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Research Director of the Institute for Experiential AI […]
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With 32 entertaining projects, a new version of the Arduino Quest workshop comes to an end
With 32 entertaining projects, a new version of the Arduino Quest workshop comes to an end August 2023.- “It was a moment to step out of my world, where I […]
IMFD co-organiza en Chile escuela internacional de ciencias sociales computacionales
VIII Research Seminar: Data Stream
VIII Research Seminar: Data Stream October 2022.- With a wide call both online and in person, a new Research Seminar was given space on the 4th floor of the UC […]
Data visualization: C80 and information design to strengthen civic education
Data visualization: C80 and information design to strengthen civic education June 2023.- People understanding data: this is the objective of C80, the innovative project created by IMFD student Ricardo Vega, […]
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IMFD Book Club: The power of data
IMFD Book Club: The power of data The initiative is part of the activities of the IMFD Gender Commission in alliance with the Observatory of Gender Data and Statistics (ODEGI). […]
Pablo Barceló at LICS 2023: the most important symposium in the world on logic and computer science
Pablo Barceló at LICS 2023: the most important symposium in the world on logic and computer science The 38th version of the Logic in Computer Science event will take place […]
“There is no single solution for disinformation”: IMFD researchers present a study on pluralism in Chile
“There is no single solution for missinformation”: IMFD researchers present a study on pluralism in Chile November, 2022.- Within the framework of the Chilean Conference on Computing, the study “Disinformation […]