July 27, 2022 – Opinion column in Scientific American by Sapna Cheryan, Psychology at the University of Washington; Allison Master, Education at the University of Houston, and Andrew Meltzoff, co-director of the Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences at the University of Washington.

“It’s not that they aren’t interested; it’s the culture of these fields and how they exclude women and girls”, state the authors. They add: “Identifying the factors causing women’s underrepresentation is the first step toward remedies. Why are so few women entering these fields? A common explanation is that women are less interested than men in computer science and engineering. This explanation is technically accurate and supported by women’s and men’s own responses. But, it is incomplete in problematic ways, and worsens the very disparities it seeks to explain”.

Read the column here: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/there-are-too-few-women-in-computer-science-and-engineering/