24/05/2023 “Media and Communication in Global Latinidades” ICA preconference

24/05/2023 “Media and Communication in Global Latinidades” ICA preconference RESUME This preconference aims to examine the production, distribution, and consumption of media and communication in global Latinidades. It follows up […]

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22/05/2023 15th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management

22/05/2023 15th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management May 22-26th, 2023 Santiago, Chile The Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management (AMW) brings together top […]

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18/05/2023 Masterclass “Los peligros de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) Generativa y su impacto en la educación superior”

18/05/2023 Masterclass “Los peligros de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) Generativa y su impacto en la educación superior” RESUMEN Organizado por el Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación, Educación Continua y […]

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03/05/2023 Ciclo de Charlas ReLeLa: Las (im)posibilidades de los Modelos del Lenguaje

03/05/2023 Ciclo de Charlas ReLeLa: Las (im)posibilidades de los Modelos del Lenguaje RESUMEN La creciente importancia y la masividad que han adquirido recientemente los modelos de lenguaje como ChatGPT ha […]

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21/04/2023 Generative AI: How to Keep AI Human-Centric & Productive in the ChatGPT Era

21/04/2023 Generative AI: How to Keep AI Human-Centric & Productive in the ChatGPT Era Friday April 21th, 2023. Overwhelmed by the hype about generative AI? Wondering about the impacts on the […]

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11/04/2023 Jocelyn Dunstan: Machines detecting key information in clinical texts

11 / 04 / 2023 Jocelyn Dunstan:Machines detecting key information in clinical texts RESUMEN La charla «Machines detecting key information in clinical texts» de nuestra investigadora IMFD Jocelyn Dunstan, académica […]

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